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Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health

Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) is a CDC-funded program to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities or gaps. three counties of the District Health Department #10 (DHD#10) jurisdiction (Lake, Newaygo, and Oceana Counties).​

REACH aims to improve health, prevent chronic diseases, and reduce health disparities among racial and ethnic populations with the highest risk, or burden, of chronic disease. Such diseases include high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. The program's goal is to make healthy eating and active living more accessible and affordable to priority populations. 

Explore our Strategies

Family Healthy Weight Program

Physical Activity

Building a Healthier Tomorrow

The purpose of this multi-component 5-year program is to improve health, prevent chronic disease, and reduce health disparities among racial and ethnic populations with the highest risk, or burden, of chronic disease, specifically African American, and Hispanic populations in With a commitment to lasting change, our project is designed to achieve these long-term outcomes:

Improved health behaviors and outcomes (e.g. increased healthier food consumption, increased percentage of individuals meeting physical activity guidelines, and decreased obesity).

Reduced health disparities in chronic conditions (e.g. hypertension, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity).

Meet The Team


Principal Investigator


Katie Haner

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Program Manager


Qur'an Griffin

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Program Implementer

Kylie Davis

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Program Implementer


Emily Pokorski

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Evaluation Specialist


Alisa Sponseller

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Communication Specialist

Questions about REACH?


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